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Digitalization as a field of action in the KIT 2025 Strategy

In the KIT 2025 Strategy, the Executive Board has defined the fields of action in which it is responsible for the further development of KIT. These fields of action set out overarching goals and specific measures for their implementation. Many of these measures have already been successfully completed since the KIT 2025 Strategy was adopted. The new field of action ‘digitalization’ takes into account the comprehensive importance of the topic. It was developed between 2020 and 2022 with the involvement of the key players at KIT and complements the previous fields of action.

cover of the KIT 2025 Strategy
further information and download

In four subject areas, the field of action specifies goals and associated measures in which KIT will shape the digital transformation in the coming years:

  1. Digitalization for outstanding research achievements and a vital culture of innovation
  2. Using the opportunities of digitalization for successful studies and excellent teaching
  3. Making administrative workflows and processes more efficient and simpler through increased digitalization
  4. Digital workspace—secure and quality-oriented

The current edition of the KIT 2025 Strategy, including the field of action ‘digitalization, is available for download on the KIT intranet.

Realization in lead projects and implementation projects

Digitalization permeates almost all fields of work at universities and research institutions—the constant technological change also requires a comprehensive cultural change. Digital transformation processes enable and demand a new level of networked and cooperative action. Digitalization can thus only be shaped in interaction with digitalization as a global and societal phenomenon.

At KIT, employees are designing digital solutions for the future in the lead project LP 9 Digitalization with its five thematic characteristics and several implementation projects in the field of digitalization.

Preliminary work

The field of action ‘digitalization’ was created on the basis of the IT strategy, which is part of the cross-sectional chapter “Digitalization” of the KIT structure and development plan for the years 2022 to 2026. Up to and including 2021, the IT concept described the planned further development of information processing and supply  based on implementation measures in ten clearly defined focus areas.

In the run-up to this step, KIT established a dedicated governance framework for digitalization in 2017. The design of the field of action ‘digitalization’ is based on this framework.